Economics - General

Ranking Economics Journals

A working paper by Yolanda K. Kodrzycki and Pingkang David Yu of the Boston Fed attempts to rank economic journals according to their: 1) impact within the Economics field, 2) overall impact, 3) Policy Impact and 4) impact on non-economic journals. The top 10 journals in each category are as follows:

Within Economics Overall Impact Policy Impact Non-Econ Impact
Am Econ Rev J Health Econ AER J Health Econ
Q J Econ Health Econ QJE Health Econ
Econometrica Inquiry-J Health Car J Health Econ Inquiry-J Health Car
J Polit Econ Q J Econ J Polit Econ Q J Econ
Rev Econ Stud Am Econ Rev Econometrica Am Econ Rev
J Monetary Econ J Hum Resour J Econ Perspect J Hum Resour
Rev Econ Stat J Risk Uncertainty J Dev Econ Hous Policy Debate
J Econ Perspect Hous Policy Debate J Dev Stud J Risk Uncertainty
J Econometrics J Econ Psychol Rev Econ Stat J Econ Psychol
J Econ Theory Economterica Econ J Rand J Econ

While it may not be surprising that journals such as The American Economic Review, The Quarterly Journal of Economics and Econometrica top the list of most influential economics journals, it is surprising that three health economics journals top the list in the ‘overall impact’ category. The Journal of Health Economics, Health Economics, and Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision and Financing are the journals that have the most overall impact and are most well-known outside the world of economics.