NFL Season Begins

The NFL season began yesterday.  To celebrate, here are three football related links: Football and Randomness Two quarterbacks?  Six eligible receivers?  An undermanned California high school football teamed use the untraditional A-11 formation to win 7 of 11 games.  The key? “In a standard formation with five fixed linemen, a play can unfold with 36…

Health Wonk Review is up

The latest edition of the Health Wonk Review has been posted at InsureBlog.  Some of my favorite articles include: Joe Paduda on Sarah Palin’s health care record in Alaska, Health Care Renewal criticizes Carilion’s vertically integrated health system. The Disease Management Care Blog looks at Emergency Physician’s “NIMBY“-like attitudes. InsureBlog discusses the Dutch health care…

Expectations and Prostate Surgery

The N.Y. Times Well Blog writes that 19% of men regretted having prostate surgery. What is interesting is that men who underwent a newer, less invasive, robotic surgery were four times more likely to regret the prostate surgery than those who underwent the older, more invasive “open” procedure. Is this increase in regret due to…

The worst of capitalism: Fannie and Freddie

Should the Treasury bail out Fannie and Freddie?  A recent Economist article gives a level-headed solution: nationalize and then dismantle them. Most libertarians would say that Fannie and Freddie should fail.  Having these two giant players collapse, however, add dynamite to an already explosive mortgage finance market.  Thus, the short term solution must be to…