Health Insurance for Part Time Workers

The goal of LyfeBank is basically to serve as a 401(k) for health insurance.  Employers can make contributions to the employees health insurance into a fund and workers can use this money to buy various health insurance products, reimburse themselves for co-payments or deductibles, or pay for medical costs directly. LyfeBank has two key innovations.  The…

Headlines: Vaccinating Adolescents

The U.S. medical system does a good job of vaccinating children.  The CDC has a list of recommended vaccinations which most children receive during routine physician visits.  As children grow into adolescents, however, they are less likely to visit their primary care provider regularly.  As a handful of new vaccines are targeted at teens (e.g.,…

Patents, Regulation, and Fake Drugs

The Economist notes that counterfeit drugs are a growing problem. “Counterfeit drugs can kill. Many are shoddily made, containing the wrong dose of the active ingredient. Taking them instead of the real thing can turn a treatable disease into a fatal one. It can also foster drug resistance among germs.” Do patents cause and increase…

Do Acid Blockers pose health risks

In 2008, Americans spend over $14 billion on proton pump inhibitors.  These heartburn treatments such as Nexium, Prevacid, and Protonix may put millions of patients at risk. According to Scientific American, long-term use of these medicines has been linked to “withdrawal symptoms, an increased risk of bacterial infection, hip fracture and even possible nutritional deficiencies.”  Additionally,…

Risk Adjustment Models

Risk adjustment is important for many aspects of health care.  Medicare uses risk adjustment to modify payments to Medicare Advantage (Part C) plans based on the health of the beneficiaries they cover.  Private insurance companies can use risk adjustment to fine-tune capitation payments to physicians or determine a potential enrollee’s premium.  Providers can use risk…

International Healthcare Models: Australia

Today I’ll be talking about healthcare in Australia.  Australia a rich country with 21.2 million residents, has the sixth highest life expectancy of any country in the world.  The review of the Australian healthcare system is based on the Australia’s Health 2008 report.  Unless otherwise noted, all dollar figures reference are in Australian dollars ($1…