Valuing treatments for rare disease

That is the topic of a recent white paper from the Innovation and Value Initiative titled “Valuing Rare Disease Treatments in Healthcare: Real Experience, Real Impact“. The report notes a number of challenges in assessing treatment value in rare disease (see my white paper “Challenges in Preserving Access to Orphan Drugs Under an HTA Framework”…

Why you should include dynamic drug pricing in your CEA model

A Health Affairs Forefront paper by researchers Melanie Whittington, Peter Neumann, Joshua Cohen, and Jonathan Campbell makes a compelling case for incorporating drug price dynamics into cost effectiveness analysis. The first questions many people may have is ‘how do drug prices usually change over time?’ A drug’s net price often increases following launch and may…

NICE’s new Severity Adjustment

In the United Kingdom, the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) made an update to their health technology evaluations manual in January 2022. Of particular interest, section 6.2 of the manual states that the review committee “will consider the associated absolute and proportional QALY shortfall.”  The committee defined QALY shortfall two ways: Absolute…

Health Years in Total (HYT)

Standard quality approach compares the difference in QALYs which is a function of survival and quality of life during each survival period.  Consider the comparison of treatments A and B, where treatment A is the novel treatment and treatment B is the standard of care. Under the QALY based approach this is calculated as Where…

Is the value of a QALY constant?

Standard cost-effectiveness analysis assumes that any gain in quality-adjusted life years (QALYs) should be valued equally. This does not sound unreasonable, but is it true in practice? Consider two potential violations of constant value of QALY gains: scope insensitivity and severity independence. I define each of these below: Scope insensitivity. This assumes that individuals value…