Hospital group purchasing and drug prices

Yesterday I noted that competition is key to driving down prices in health insurance markets.  Competition is about expanding the number of suppliers available for a given product.  Now let’s think about the demand side.  Does reducing the number of purchasers increase or decrease price?  One could think that price would fall because buyers would…

Should we move from patents to prizes?

An interesting article by Charles Silver and David A. Hyman argues that we should do away with patents for pharmaceuticals and move to a prize based system.  They write in Vox: A well-designed prize regime would lower drug prices by eliminating drug monopolies, yet it would also create the necessary incentives for innovation, including incentives to…

The Status of Outcomes-Based Contracts

Outcomes-based contracts are supposed to be the next big thing.  When payers are not sure about the real-world benefits or cost of a treatment, outcomes-based contracts and help them diversity risk. For instance, CMS will only pay for the CAR-T product  Kymriah when “…these patients respond to Kymriah by the end of the first month…

My take on American Patients First

In broad strokes, the American Patients First plan aims to lower list prices, lower patients’ out-of-pocket costs while maintaining incentives for innovation.   In short, this is a sensible strategy, although there are some concerns about how more restrictive formulary designs could restrict consumer choice. American Patients First in brief To maintain manufacturers incentives to innovate,…