Life expectancy declines in the U.S.

In general, one expects progress.  One expects that medical advances will improve life expectancy.  In recent years in the U.S., however, that is no longer the case.  The CDC reports that: …life expectancy at birth decreased in recent years for the first time since 1993. Between 2014 and 2015, life expectancy at birth decreased 0.2…

Life Expectancy Inequality

Numerous media outlets and academic studies have demonstrated that in the last few decades, income inequality has grown. However, not only are poor Americans making relatively less money compared to their richer peers in recent years, but poor individuals also have not experienced the same survival gains as the rich. Louise Sheiner reports on a…

Life Expectancy in Latin America

Soares (2009) examines the relationship between income and life expectancy around the world and particularly with respect to Latin America.  Table 1 shows GDP growth per capita and life expectancy increases around the world.  Table 2 decomposes the gains in life expectancy by age group.  Some notable findings are: We see significant progress in East…